Hard, Brave Choices
by Martha Durkee-Neuman, June 26, 2024

Hard, Brave Choices

By Martha Durkee-NeumanJune 26, 2024“Will considered what to do. When you choose one way out of many, all the ways you don't take are snuffed out like candles, as if they'd never existed. At the moment all Will's choices existed at once. But to keep them all in existence meant doing nothing. He had

Queering Me
by Vanessa Titang, June 19, 2024

Queering Me

By Vanessa TitangJune 19, 2024“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” —Brené Brown, in Daring GreatlyI never perceived myself as “queer.” Growing up, what littl

Proud to Be Out
by Lynette Yetter, June 12, 2024

Proud to Be Out

By Lynette Yetter June 12, 2024Editor's Note: The following reflection—published with the assistance and consent of Lynette's spouse—refers to the tender subjects of suicide and homophobia; we encourage you to take care of yourself as you engage this story. While some readers might find it difficul

Home to Myself
by Mare Martell, June 5, 2024

Home to Myself

By Mare MartellJune 5, 2024“Fitting in is becoming who you think you need to be in order to be accepted. Belonging is being your authentic self and knowing that no matter what happens, you belong to you.”—Brené BrownIn 1978, I was in the sixth grade in West Michigan at a public school. We had a stu

Totes Queer
by Paige Getty, May 29, 2024

Totes Queer

By Paige GettyMay 29, 2024… queeras inalways becoming;as inless “this or that”and more “multilayered, multidimensional, and complex.”as inintimately experienced,and beyond definition…—M Jade Kaiser, enfleshedAt Capital Pride last year, a vendor was selling tote bags with simple, bold declarations:T

An Unbroken Song
by Julie Yeeun Kim, May 22, 2024

An Unbroken Song

By Julie Yeeun KimMay 22, 2024“In our bodies we carry the blood of our ancestors and the seeds of the future generations. We are a living conduit to all life…. We are strengthened by who we come from and inspired by those who will follow.” —Sherri Mitchell Weh'na Ha'mu Kwasset, in Sacred Instructio

A More Complete Story
by Aaron Stockwell Wisman, May 15, 2024

A More Complete Story

By Aaron Stockwell WismanMay 15, 2024"Our memory is made up of our individual memories and our collective memories. The two are intimately linked. And history is our collective memory. If our collective memory is taken from us—is rewritten—we lose the ability to sustain our true selves." —Haruki Mu

Love in This Very Moment
by Sarah Pirtle, May 8, 2024

Love in This Very Moment

By Sarah PirtleMay 8, 2024“It is essential to allow yourself to know what you know, instead of driving yourself to be”—Grandmother Rita Pitka Blumenstein, Yup’ik Elder and first certified traditional doctor in AlaskaI washed my hands carefully before entering the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where

The Sea of Moral Injury
by Karen G. Johnston, May 1, 2024

The Sea of Moral Injury

By Karen G. JohnstonMay 1, 2024“We are swimming in this stream together / Some in power and some in pain/…We’re all swimming to the other side.” —Pat Humphries, "Swimming to the Other Side”Here I am again, stopped at a traffic light, a sea of cars surrounding me, a handful of vehicles ahead of me.

Shifting Perspective
by Kat Liu, April 24, 2024

Shifting Perspective

By Kat LiuApril 24, 2024“A lot of times we base everything just on our immediate circumstance. We don't see a big picture for our lives. We don't love ourselves. We don't have a way of kind of gauging the future, so we count it lost.” —Jennifer HolidayNowadays my attitude towards driving is arguabl