Come, yet again, come

Anne Slater

The Persian poet Rumi challenges us:

"Come, come, whoever you are: wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving:

Ours is no caravan of despair, come, yet again come."

And we come, from rich heritages of liturgy and pomp;

We come, from burning legacies of angry gods and threats of hell-fire.

We come, just as we are

We come, with exuberant and joyful hearts, eager to witness to others

We come, bereft of the goodness of life, wondering, hesitant;

We come, just as we are.

We come, in the bloom of youth, ready to explore new truths;

We come, ready to sit apart from our children and be nourished for an hour;

We come, with grey in our hair and experiences to share.

We come, just as we are.

We come to the place we never knew before was home.

We come to the place that has been home for most of our lives.

We come, just as we are, to join our brothers and sisters as members of one family in this beloved home; our hands and hearts outstretched.

"Come, yet again, come."

To use as introduction to a period of meditation, you may add

Come, silence, fill us.