Come, Come To This Place

Daniel Budd

Come, come to this place, whoever you are:
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of learning,
All seekers after what is true,
All who seek a community of compassion & diversity

Come, come to this place, whoever you are:
Though you’ve broken your vows a thousand times
And you’re too busy and you don’t have the time

Come, come to this place, whoever you are:
Lovers of wisdom, lovers of humanity, lovers of beauty,

Come to this place where a Love we do not make
Surrounds us and lifts us and nurtures us,

Come, come to this place, whoever you are:
Ours is not a community of despair, but of hope,
Not a place of judging, but of thanksgiving,
Not a place of certainty, but of searching.

Come, come to this place, whoever you are,
Come, yet again, come.