Charge to Engage

Cathy Rion Starr

This charge was written to be led by several voices: one person says a line, and then all in attendance respond, “We charge you to engage.”

Because your congregation is located in one of the poorest cities in the nation in the richest state per capita in the country

We charge you to engage

Because your faith, like ours, is one of action

We charge you to engage

Because your own freedom and liberation is bound up in that of the broader community

We charge you to engage

Because there is much to learn by walking with the people of [your city/region]

We charge you to engage

Because to ensure that all life is valued, we must take a stand for those lives that are dismissed and marginalized today

We charge you to engage

Because Black Lives Matter

We charge you to engage

Because this is a city of immigrants

We charge you to engage

Because this is [the capital city] of the state

We charge you to engage

Because you are blessed with many resources – this building, your talents, your money, your love

We charge you to engage

Because this beautiful world is aching, and we know you do not wish to stand silently on the sidelines.

We charge you to engage

May you engage in the work of building beloved community and sustainability with love.
May you engage in accountable relationships with those most impacted by the injustices you seek to address.
May you engage with humility, passion, love, and determination.
May you make a difference in our wider community.
And, as in the words of the prophet Jeremiah, “May you Seek the Welfare of the City...for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” (Jer 29:7)
