Leader: We know that hurt moves through the world, perpetrated by action, inaction, and indifference. Our values call us to live in the reality of the heartbreak of our world, remembering that:
Congregation: “No one is outside the circle of love.”
L: We who are Unitarian Universalist not only affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person; we also affirm the inherent wholeness of every being—despite apparent brokenness.
Congregation: “No one is outside the circle of love.”
L: We know that things break, or break down: promises, friendship, sobriety, hope, communication. This breaking happens because our human hearts and our very institutions are frail and imperfect. We make mistakes. Life is messy.
Congregation: “No one is outside the circle of love.”
L: With compassion as our guide, we seek the well-being of all people. We seek to dismantle systems of oppression that undermine our collective humanity. We believe that we’re here to guide one another toward Love.
Congregation: “No one is outside the circle of love.”
L: No matter how fractured we are or once were, we can make whole people of ourselves. We are whole at our core, because of the great, unnameable, sometimes inconceivable Love in which we live.
Congregation: “No one is outside the circle of love.”
This litany is based on the pastoral letter written by Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray on June 29, 2017.