Come, come, whoever you are.
Do you hear that voice calling you, calling us?
That voice which calls us together here today in this room made holy by our presence and by the sacred breath we share in our singing and speaking and silence.
That voice which calls us to remember that we are not alone and that we are inextricably linked to all other life—woven into a vast tapestry of existence of which we are a powerful, integral, and holy part.
And just as we have been called together here today, we act as the voice—the heart—the hands of another call:
The call to:
Walk with the wanderers
Sing and dance with the worshipers
Proclaim the memory of those who have taken their leave
Wrap the despairing and the broken in the arms of love and community
And hold the hands of all of us who have broken our vows and call us back—again and again—to the covenant and work of justice, humility, and steadfast faithfulness.
For this we are here together today. So, my friends, come, yet again; come let us worship together.