T is for Turkey and Tofu

Maureen Killoran

T... starts out with Turkey and with Tofu, and Together,
H...reminds us of Happiness, may it grow beyond all measure.
A...means All who are returning, a reunion in Fall,
N...for Newcomers to our Fellowship, and hearty welcome to all!
K...for Kind friends with whom we will share dinner,
S... means Surely you'll have fun, but you won't get thinner!
G...is Generosity, to share what we've been given,
I... for Integrity, may we bring it to our living.
V...is Very special, because of each one here. . .
I... we give thanks for Individuals, for each one is so dear.
N...stands for this Nation, and its challenges and strength
G...reminds us of our blessings and calls us to give Thanks.

In a black and white photo, someone pours milk into a large pot of mashed potatos. Behind him, someone else prepares food at a kitchen counter.