Circle This Flame

Amy Brooks

This ritual begins by lighting a candle from the chalice, and placing it in position. A list of supplies is at the end of this resource.

One: Fire.
Source of warmth and life for our ancestors; and for humans still today.
Tool of agriculture, hunting, and creativity for our ancestors; and for humans still today.

All: When fire runs wild,

One: we forget that it is a natural companion for all of us within the web of life.

All: When fire runs wild,

One: we prefer not to think about the many ways that we have contributed to the increasingly unstable climate of this planet.

All: When fire runs wild,

One: we become fearful.

(Ladle or pour a little water into the bowl surrounding the candle with each of the following statements.)

One: We share the water of this community with the people of Australia.
(or substitute name of another location as appropriate)

We share this water to honor the sacrifices of those who fight fires.

We share this water, as tears of mourning for lost lives.

We share this water with all who thirst for ecological justice.

(Invite others to add water to the bowl to symbolize their support for fire-devastated communities, and their commitment to work against global climate change.)

One: We circle a community of love around this flame

All: and we find strength and courage together. May it be so.


  • Tealight candle, or small candle. An electric candle could also work.
  • Tall clear candle holder, vase, or drinking glass large enough to hold the candle – this needs to be as tall, or taller than the bowl so that the candle stays lit after water is added. Ideally the flame would be lower than the water level.
  • Glass bowl large enough to hold the candle/vase/drinking glass
  • Bowl, with water (ideally, the Water Ceremony bowl) or a pitcher of water
  • Ladle, or (if using the water ceremony bowl) a small cup for scooping water
Thick smoke from bushfires fills the air in eastern Gippsland on January 02, 2020, Australia.