O God, we give thanks this day and every day for all you have made known to us through the life of Jesus.
Glory to you throughout the ages.
We give thanks for all the knowledge, faith and hope that is implanted in our hearts by the teachings of Jesus, whom you sent to us, and spiritually remains with us today. Glory to you, O God, through the ages.
You have created everything, O God, implanting within us a sense of the Divine. You have given all sustenance, food and drink, to remind us to give thanks for all that is good in life. You have also given us spiritual food and drink to remind us of the promise and power of your Divine love, for which we give thanks this day and every day.
Glory to you, O God, through the ages.
As this bread is made from ingredients that must be gathered together from different places and sources, so too may your church be gathered from all peoples and places to become One, One in you and you in them.
Deliver those gathered in Your Name from all evil, and teach us to love each other and to build a church that becomes the holy and sacred community you wish for all.
Come again, Jesus… bring us closer to God.
Come again, Jesus… instill in us justice and compassion.
Come again, Jesus... to nurture hope and faith in you, for all, always.
Come again, Jesus... come again.... Amen.
The Didache (“The Teaching”)* is dated to about 1OO C.E. and may have come from the community that produced what is now called the Gospel of Matthew. In it is our first “Communion” service. When sharing this with my students, several noted that it portrayed Jesus as a teacher. I smiled.
*"Teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles (or Nations) by the Twelve Apostles"