Labyrinth Walk for Healing the Gulf and Ourselves

Melanie Morel-Ensminger

Recorded music (e.g., Mozart's Requiem; Arvo Pårt's Lamentate) will be playing as the background.

Spoken introduction as people prepare to walk in silence:

Let us open our minds and hearts to the power of healing that is in us and in the world around us. Let us open ourselves to the Spirit of Life that moves in us and through us and that we encounter every moment of our lives.

Let our walking this night be for healing—healing for our troubled minds, our broken hearts, our restless sleep, our righteous but unfocused anger. Let every turn of the Labyrinth turn us from rage, from helplessness, from hopelessness. Let the Heart Space of the Labyrinth hold our hopes and dreams and passion for the healing of our Gulf and all the creatures and the land.

And when we reach the Center, may we find peace, acceptance, and focus for our energies that we may be forces for the healing of our Gulf and all those who ply her waters, the humans, the animals, the plants, and the microscopic life. May we be healed. May we be healed.

(And then folks walk the labyrinth in silence, soft music in background, and leave when they are ready.)