Offering Call For A Community Seeking Change

Naomi King

We know there is great abundance in our world: a great abundance of suffering—of people homeless, hungry, frightened, lonely, in danger, sick, exhausted, and wondering when this abundant suffering shall cease.

We know there is great abundance in our world: a great abundance of love—of people caring, building homes for those who need them, feeding folks who hunger, comforting folks who are frightened, inviting folks who are lonely into company, creating peace and safety zones, healing and being with the sick, and welcoming the weary to a place of rest.

We are the people of abundance, people who have known suffering and will know suffering. We are the people of abundance, people who have known love and offer our love as a blessing to our world.

As we receive disappointment, anguish, and anger, we transform those curses into the blessings of hope, joy, and love.

As we offer those blessings to this world, so our blessings increase:

  • the smile of gratitude eases our hearts,
  • the dance of joy sweeps us into the circle,
  • and the light of this chalice changes our world.

We are the change we wish to see through what we give. What change will you bless this world with today?