Green Sanctuary Kick-Off Responsive Reading

Molly Housh

Setting ourselves to the task of Greening our Congregation, together we promise these things:

Most simply, we will each do our small part to care for the earth around us.

We will start with one step forward toward the thriving world that we envision.

Then we will step again, and again, setting forth together in this community.

Deep problems call for religious answers. Recognizing the depth and urgency of the environmental crisis, we must answer the earth’s call to our spirits.

We will bring the concerns of the earth to live deep in our hearts and in the heart of this congregation.

Realizing that we have been too concerned with consuming things now, we must turn our attention to the future.

We will take up the needs of the generations to come: clean water to drink, sweet air to breathe.

Acknowledging the earth most basically as our home, we must set about the task of restoration.

In this our congregational home, we will find small and large ways to remember the environment in our worshipping, our learning, our celebrating,  and our justice-making.

Aware of the urgency and complexity of our environmental crisis, we end by promising simply this:

As people of faith, we pledge ourselves to work toward a planet transformed by our care.