Prayer of Healing

Krista Westervelt

Spirit of life and peace,
Source of our strength and our surrender,

We lift up those who grieve,
Those whose griefs we know,
Those whose griefs may go unspoken for fear of being misunderstood or disregarded.
May they be held in a spirit of remembrance, of grace, and of comfort.

We lift up those carrying the pain of regret—
Regret for actions that cannot be undone and regret for the undone that has escaped possibility.
Give them a spirit of grace, of self-forgiveness and tender self-compassion,
That they may heal into embracing a future still unwritten.

We lift up those whose hearts and minds are heavy, whatever the source of that heaviness,
May they find comfort and clarity, understanding and peace.

We lift up those whose fear and anxiety threatens to drown them—
Even as they remain on dry land.
May they find moments of certainty and a stay against the terror of the unknown.

We lift up those experiencing loneliness.
May they find companionship and community in the company of those who truly see them, understand them, and embrace them.
May we be a community in which no one feels alone in the midst of the crowd.

We lift up those bearing the scars of religious trauma and spiritual harm.
May they find healing and renewal,
May they lay down that which no longer serves them and carry only that which brings them life and liberation.

We lift up those in ill health,
From those battling acute illness,
To those enduring life-altering conditions,
And those enduring conditions that are life-ending.
May their health care providers treat them with compassion and wisdom, mercy and understanding,
And in those places where science has not perfected its practice or discovered all the answers, may those suffering still find moments of respite and relief,
And may those who care for them be nurtured and supported in that care, that they may not grow weary.

We lift up those who fear that their hurts, their pains, are too insignificant for healing.
May they know that their hurt and their pain is valid, no matter the size,
And may they feel comforted in the knowledge that they are not alone and that they are loved.

In all things, may we acknowledge the ways that we, together, are an answer to our prayers by embodying and embracing peace in the midst of great sorrow. May we have the wisdom to know when to speak and when to accompany one another in the silence of sacred companionship. And may we strive to be a beloved community and a balm to those who are suffering and in pain.

In gratitude and hope we pray, Amen.