Easter Prayer: Voice Still and Small

Shari Woodbury

[A prayer written to be offered after singing “Voice Still and Small,” #391 in Singing the Living Tradition.]

Voice still and small, as we turn inward we listen for you.

Deep inside all, this Easter morning, open our hearts to hear you in the figure of Jesus.

In dark and rain, sorrow and pain, his followers continued to hear that still voice of pure love.

In the uncertain days after his cruel death, the memory of his words surely comforted them.

The quiet voices of one another, the tender holding of one another through grief, accompanied them.

Through all the years, they held onto his voice—and they found their own voices.

Holy spark within us all, may we too hear the voices of love—voices that the powers would drown out even still today, if they could.

May we too notice the stirring of conscience, the rustling of compassion, within ourselves.

Whether the voice speaks to us of our neighbor who is hungry, or the young people yearning to be accepted as they are, or the tragedies unfolding overseas—let us not shut it out.

The voice of truth and courage sings through all the years when we are open to hear that voice—and to be that voice.

It matters not how long it has been dormant in us,
the voice still and small can be resurrected at any time.
Easter is listening, hearing, heeding and being that voice.
Let us celebrate it thus. May it be so. Amen.