May We Be the Blessings

Rebekah Savage

Spirit of Life, Eternal Beloved of Mystery and Grace;
Receive our prayer:

We come before That Which is Greater than ourselves in gratitude for the fullness of our lives.
For the anguish and grief that inform our mission to Side with Love again and again.
For the suffering and disenfranchisement of our people that foment our passion for Justice and wholeness.
For complex lives, for hard lives, for real, full and overwhelmed lives, we give thanks for the blessings that we have been given:
the reassurance of community, the steady warmth of hope, and the unwavering faith that There will be better days.
We give thanks and seek your grace.

Spirit of Love, come alongside with all the holy nudges that we need,
So we may live in such a way that we celebrate all the blessings that we have been given.
So we may Be the blessings in the world.