Prayer Woven with “Comfort Me”

Shari Woodbury

[This prayer is designed to be woven into the song “Comfort Me,” #1002 in Singing the Journey. Note, however, that the verses given here for this “zipper” song are not the same as those in the hymnal.]

From your seats, I invite you to join in singing #1002, “Comfort Me,” as we get to each verse. We’ll pause between each verse, as I share a common prayer. Feel free to close your eyes throughout if you know the song or that feels right to you.

[Pause for breath.]

Oh my soul, at times the challenges I face are too much. Too much illness, too much struggle. Too much conflict between family and neighbors. Too much suffering in the world, on our screens and out of sight, but we know it is happening and what shall we do? Can I bear the weight of it all? It is hard to be a human, especially a soft-hearted human. Spirit of Love, will you Comfort Me?

Together we sing, Comfort me…  🎵

Oh my soul. At times I feel alone. Isolated, even if there are people around me. It can be hard to share my inner world with others, or to let them help me. But when we sing together, I feel others’ presence. And I know that together we have enough caring to go around for everyone—including me. Gathered community, will you sing with me?

Sing with me…  🎵

Oh my soul. Sometimes I am just weary. When it’s hard to get out of bed in the dark morning, hard to face difficult tasks, hard to lift my foot or open my heart—I know I may need rest, and fortitude. I may need to refill the well within me. Rest is a gift that I will try to allow myself to have when I need it. My needs are important, and I deserve rest. Oh my soul, you can rest.

Rest with me… 🎵

When I have been nourished with song, I grow stronger. When I have felt the presence of caring community around me, I feel more able to use my own power. When I have given my body and spirit the rest they need, I am renewed. And yes, my soul, when the light grows—mercy the light is growing!—day by day, like a green growing thing I am ready to rise. In power and beauty, I return to the world, and bring to it my love and my joy.

Rise with me… 🎵