In Gatherings

Marta I. Valentín

In gatherings we are stirred
like the leaves of the fall season
rustling around sacred trees,
tossed hither and yon
until we come to rest together,
quietly, softly . . .
We come to gather strength from each other.
We come to give strength to each other.
We come to ask for strength from the Spirit of All That Is and Is Not.

When our hearts sing or when they frown
it is the way of compassion telling us to give.
It is the way of peace telling us
to share our gifts,
for we are happiest
and most powerful
when Love is made apparent
in and through us.

Spirit of the ­circle that is Love,
as we twirl in this dance that is life
we give thanks for reminding us each day
of our task of ministering to each “other”
with a searching glance,
a safe touch,
a generous smile,
a thoughtful word...

Thank you for reminding us
that we are always building our beloved comunidad.

Thank you for reminding us
that through our cov­e­nant with you
we cov­e­nant with each “other”
and are made whole.

In gratitude, we celebrate
with open hearts and minds.
We discover who we are,
separate from each other
and within one another.

In this ­circle that holds all life
may we ever work ­toward
widening its boundaries
until there are none.

Amen. Paz. Blessed Be.