You send us into the world, O God, with freedom to choose and to act. When we are wrong, correct us and help us to make amends. When we are right, give us the humility not to judge others and thereby excommunicate them from our hearts. Let your Holy Spirit come to us now in this moment of prayer; let us quiet the throbbings of the past week that we may open our minds and hearts to the touch of your Spirit. Help us to become the people you meant us to be.
We give you thanks and praise, O God, for the witness of your church throughout the ages. Help us to see in the diversity of traditions and interpretations evidences of the richness of your grace and the finitude of our human understanding. Bless, we pray, our neighboring churches, our Unitarian Universalist Association, and all who seek to know and do your will.
We pray also for all who are troubled. You give us commandments and guidance; give us also your peace.
(Here the worship leader may mention the particular concerns of the congregation:)_tab20">
We pray especially for those who are in hospitals and care centers
_tab20">(or) _tab20">for those whom society has forgotten
_tab20">(or) _tab20">who are discouraged and defeated by life
_tab20">(or) _tab20">for those whose poverty of mind or spirit keeps them from enjoying the fullness of life.
Through your indwelling Spirit, move us beyond what is trivial in your eyes and goad us out of complacency, that we may play our part in the world's renewal and that your light may shine on those who walk in darkness.
This we ask in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, who by loving us taught us to love others, who by confronting the powers of the world brought us peace, and who by opening his soul to you taught us to pray, saying together:
(Here follows the Lord's Prayer, said in unison)