There are two key spiritual tasks for Yule.
The first is, like the Sun, to hold still. To still ourselves inside, to behold the glory of the cosmos, and to take a breath with the Sacred.
Rather than confronting the short days and dark nights as disturbing or depressing, Yule is a time to rest and settle into the darkness, a time to contemplate and reflect on our lives. Yule gives us the opportunity to ask whether or not we are still on our correct course. We need to ask that in these times, both personally and collectively.
The other major spiritual task of the Winter Solstice is to reflect deeply on what is no longer helpful or useful or right for us and to purge ourselves of it—to let it go. To cast it into the Fire. These aspects of ourselves can be attitudes, behaviors, beliefs or values. We let them go to make room: to make room for what can be better and stronger for ourselves—and for everyone and everything around us. We can resolve to fill that new space inside with more growth and more learning in the coming new year.
Merry and Blessed Yule to all!
Hail the Sacred and Embracing Dark!
Hail the Invincible Sun!
There can be no Spring without the Winter, no bloom without the seedtime, no Light without the Dark.