O Send Forth Me

Tess Baumberger
O, send forth me, spirit,
forth to do well my work,
work of my life, my living.

May this my life touch
healingly, lovingly,
those in greatest need.

May I bear witness to my faith,
even when to do so seems
too great a risk.

O, send forth me, spirit,
yet leave a tap root here
to sustain me and to twine
with roots of lovely,
loving others, whose spirits
have welled a while with mine.

O, send forth us, spirit,
forth to do well our work,
work of our lives, our living.

May these our lives touch
healingly, lovingly,
those in need of love and healing.

May we bear witness to our faith,
even when to do so seems
too great a risk.

O, send forth us, spirit,
yet leave us tap roots here
to sustain us and to twine
with roots of these our lovely,
loving others, whose spirits
have welled a while together.