May the Force be with You

Tori Jameson

Among Star Wars afficianados, May 4th is recognized as a special day. This "May the Fourth" invocation was written by Tori Jameson with help from Earl Rogers, Kevin Mann, and Cyn Burnelle. Please use it in worship as responsibly as a Jedi uses a lightsaber.

Leader: May the force be with you!

Congregation: And also with you!

L: Lift up your lightsabers

C: We lift them up to the Rebellion

L: We cast away the spirit of Jar-Jar, bringer of mindless chatter and unnecessary anectodes. We call forth the spirit of Obi-wan Kenobi, patient teacher and speaker of riddles.

C: Come, spirit of Obi-wan Kenobi, come.

L: We call forth the spirit of Yoda, ancient teacher of wisdom.

C: Come, spirit of Yoda, come.

L: We call forth the spirit of Padme, strong and fierce leader of nations, and mother.

C: Come, spirit of Padme, come.

L: We call forth the spirit of Han Solo, determined friend and defier of odds.

C: Come, spirit of Han Solo, come.

L: We call forth the spirit of R2-D2, humble in service and great of heart.

C: Come, spirit of R2-D2, come.

L: The force is truly with us. In a sign of community and mutuality, let us share a sign of the force with one another.