An Empty Cup for Gaza

Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME)

This summer, the General Assembly of the UUA passed the “Solidarity with Palestinians” Action of Immediate Witness, calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

As you offer a bit of water during your congregation’s water ceremony, UUs for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME) invite you to also place an empty paper cup next to the congregational vessel in solidarity with Palestinians. The day before, decorate the cup with a keffiyeh pattern, or a photo of healthy Palestinian children. UUs across America are taking this prayerful action in recognition of and solidarity with the two million Palestinians in Gaza who are denied potable water by Israel, a war crime that is enabled by the United States. Palestinian civilians are dying en masse of starvation, thirst, preventable disease, and weapons of war.

When people are called forward to pour water into the common vessel, UUJME suggests that you bring your cup to the front, spill some “missing water” into the vessel, and then leave the cup behind next to the water ceremony vessel.