We Need to Be Resurrected

Amanda Udis-Kessler

One: Despair is sapping our spirits, damaging our souls, hurting our hearts.

Many: We need to be resurrected into hope, faith, and trust. Today, may we be resurrected.

One: Violence is shortening our lives and robbing us of our joy.

Many: We need to be resurrected into peace and its many blessings. Today, may we be resurrected.

One: Selfishness is tearing our social fabric, hiding us from one another, turning us inward.

Many: We need to be resurrected into generosity, compassion, and open-heartedness. Today, may we be resurrected.

One: Fear is pitting us against each other, stripping our delight, poisoning our relationships.

Many: We need to be resurrected into courage and connection. Today, may we be resurrected.

One: Injustice is devaluing and dehumanizing us all, punishing some terribly, frightening others deeply.

Many: We need to be resurrected into justice and healing. Today, may we be resurrected.

One: Hatred is breeding despair, violence, selfishness, fear, and injustice among us and among our children.

ALL: We need to be resurrected into love. Today, may we be resurrected. So may it be. Amen.