Reading for a Final Congregational Meeting

Karin Fuog

We gather in this place for the last time; our planning is done.

We have sought and received counsel from each other; we have discussed and resolved our differences. Our plans have reached fruition.

We have reached the end of the path. We have carried candles to light the way.

The flames did not show the whole path, but by their light we saw each other and knew we did not travel alone.

We have helped each other to be courageous and to trust the journey.

We advanced seeking and learning. We met the challenges with wisdom and determination.

This was not the first time we have made such a journey. We did not always gather in this place.

This congregation was not always who we are now. We came from different traditions and beliefs. We have moved through different locations. And now we are moving on.

We undertook this journey together. We moved forward sustaining each other.

We held hands to overcome our fear. We sang to show that we were not alone, even in the face of the unknown.

We went forward in trust and we have reached the destination we sought.

We trusted each other and held true to our covenant. Together we are renewed.