Recognition of Volunteers: A Litany

Jay Libby

Leader (L): When there was a need, you came forward.

Congregation (C): And so we thank you.

L: In the nighttime or daytime, on weekends and even in the coldest, darkest part of the year, you helped.

C: And so we thank you.

L: Elected and duly appointed or quietly, anonymously and unbidden, you did what needed doing.

C: And so we thank you.

L: Sometimes with the help of many hands, other times alone, you worked.

C: And so we thank you.

L: You gave your time, talent and even your treasure for the life of the congregation.

C: And so we thank you.

L: Your families and loved ones supported you in your efforts, worried for you when things piled up and perhaps grumbled at you for the extent of your commitment.

C: And so we thank your families and loved ones.

L: For all things great and small you have given this congregation, we take time today to recognize,

ALL: To thank you and to honor you.