To the highest spirit of all our aspirations, to that which grounds us and uplifts us, to that which transcends us, and to the sense of community which we create—we come in prayer today.
Our prayer is one of desperation and hope. We are in despair that protests such as this are needed. We are frustrated that politicians and governments continually value money and power while ignoring the value inherent in all people. We are angry that our leaders put themselves first with no regard for whom they go past or through.
In the midst of the anger and frustration is hope—hope that we are here, hope that a loving world is indeed possible, hope in the faith that love can and will triumph over hate.
I know that every person is worthy of love. With the faith that every person is worthy of love we will continue to work and strive for a more just world where the disenfranchised have representation, where the broken are held in care and where siblings of all backgrounds are welcome.
We do not pray for miracle changes in policy and leadership. We do not pray for miracles because we are the miracles. We are the force of the divine in the world, we are the holy wind of change promoting more love and more justice. Instead, we pray that our words take root; we pray that our actions create a more just, more loving and more equitable world.
Notice the people to your left and right. Notice also yourself, yours hands and feet. You are experiencing the divine, embodied. Not only do we pray, we also are the answers to our prayers.
We are the force of the holy responding to our own desperation and hope. You are that divine force of goodness and justice we have been waiting for.
May we all remember, today and forward into this trying year and the years to come: You worthy of love. At all times and despite actions or words from others, you are worthy of love. And, you are responsible for promoting the justice you seek in the world.
You are the love we are praying for.
Amen and amen.