Open to the Blessed Darkness

Linda Hart

In the quiet of these moments, let us take a common breath, unclench, and open to each other and the holy one we call by many names:

We arrive in these moments bearing the whole of our lives: We bring with us the worries and troubles of our days, sometimes overwhelming, loss beyond words, pain and struggle known only in the deepest place in our hearts.

Here in the quiet, joined with each other, may we release our hearts from them, find a moment of peace.

We come to these moments with the freshness of love, the grace of small treasures, with hope and faith, knowing well the promise of the dawning day, even in the longest of nights.

Here in the quiet, may we lift up our hearts in gratitude for the gifts of our lives, pausing in thanksgiving.

It is written that to everything there is a season, and in our hearts we know that it is true.

As the earth spirals toward the solstice, let us open to the blessed darkness, praising renewal that comes as the light slowly returns.