In Honor

Amanda Schuber

In honor of the risk takers, those that hold the vision with clarity and charge forward with optimism even in the face of others doubts. You are our lamp lighters and our guides; may we never forget the courage it takes to lead the way forward.

In honor of the cautious skeptics, those that gather the information needed to navigate the tumultuous waters of change. You are the map-makers and the preparers of the stores; may we appreciate your attention to the details that keep us on course.

In honor of the doubters, those that may fear the changing tides of a turbulent world. You are our anchors, and remind us of where we have been and where we are as a community now. May we relish your commitment to our history and your passion for who we have become.

In honor of the dreamers, those that imagine what we can be to, and in, this world. You are the wind that blows the sails of change, pushing us ever-forward; may we revel always in your whimsy and hope that dares us to never stop becoming.

May the work we do together strengthen our community and our world. May we heed the call to always hold the vision of the free church ever in our sight and to work towards justice. Together we wield a powerful spirit that is strengthened by the gifts of all.